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Who is Tobias Levin? For those of you who had been familiar with Card Flourish, maybe have already heard something about him. Indeed, he has not been as popular as Andrei Jikh or Buck Twins, even his face is hardly can be seen in his own videos.
Yes, Tobias Levin is one of the cards flourisher who is known because of his card flourish video in Youtube, and he is also often featured in various international card flourish in the world, such as Kardistry or TheCuso

Why should we discuss about Tobias Levin on Wikumagic?
1. The first reason is because of the quality and his productivity in producing card flourish video. Tobias regularly uploads videos in his Youtube channel, either performances or tutorial videos. In addition to his solo performance in the video, Tobias also frequently collaborates with Oliver Sogard, Nikolaj, and Dennis Jin. Speaking about his quality as a card artist, well it is not enough to describe it by using words. Just enjoy one of his best video, and you will know how brilliant he is:
2. The second reason is the extensive number of tutorial videos created by Tobias Levin. Yep, besides producing many original card flourish moves, Tobias also produces a number of high quality tutorials videos. His tutorials are usually short and taken only from one point of view so it may be somewhat difficult for beginner to learn it . But if you think you've mastered the basic moves of card flourish, it's time to try one or two tutorials from Tobias, because the moves are taught in simple way, that could be developed into many variations of card flourish moves.
Here is the first tutorial from Tobias on his Youtube channel:
And here is a my favorite tutorial from Tobias Levin :
"Furashu" is a relatively simple move, easy to learn, but has strong visual effects.
In addition, on December 2010 Tobias launched a project called "Dynamite". He worked with Oliver Sogard, Nikolaj, and Dennis Jin. "Dynamite" basically is a set of card flourish tutorial videos, uploaded on Youtube, and everyone could learn it for free.
3. The third reason: Tobias Levin is a great director and cinematographer. He is very good at editing the videos by adding different types of audio-visual effects, that dramatically enhances the artistic value of his videos. One example of the most brilliant work of Tobias Levin is titled "Have you seen this move? It's mine".
Tobias did not perform as flourisher in this video, but he showed his talent as cinematographer by taking precise angle-shots of the moves,cool music synchronization, and solid video editing.
4. The fourth reason: Tobias Levin has original style in card flourish. In addition to many moves that he created himself, Tobias also has unique characteristics in the Card Flourish. People often considers that his style is somehow "sloppy", but his sloppiness creates different perspective of flourishing because it looks good. In addition, Tobias also broke the old opinion that in performing card flourish, we should be able to demonstrate great speed and / or smoothness. Well, in his video, I often see his movement is relatively slow and somehow "fragmented" into parts, but still looks amazingly beautiful. It is interesting to study and take a look deeper at his videos, especially if you are looking for an alternative style in card flourishing.
Okay, those are some reasons why I wrote about Tobias Levin. In addition, Tobias is still very young, born in Denmark on 1995. If you are interested to know and learn more from Tobias Levin, be sure to visit his Youtube channel and his Facebook Page.
Indonesian version
Siapakah Tobias Levin? Bagi anda yang sudah lama mendalami dunia card flourish, mungkin Tobias Levin bukanlah nama yang asing. Memang dia belum sepopuler Andrei Jikh atau Buck Twins, bahkan wajahnya sendiri sangat jarang terlihat di berbagai videonya.
Ya, dia adalah salah satu card flourisher yang cukup eksis karena berbagai videonya di Youtube dan cukup sering dimunculkan dalam berbagai website card flourish internasional seperti TheCuso atau Kardistry.
Mengapa saya tertarik untuk membahas Tobias Levin di blog Wikumagic?
1. Alasan pertama adalah kualitas videonya yang cukup bagus serta produktivitasnya yang cukup tinggi di dunia card flourish. Sangat banyak video yang rutin di upload di channelnya, baik berupa video performance maupun tutorial. Selain tampil secara solo, Tobias juga sering berkolaborasi dengan Oliver Sogard, Nikolaj, dan Dennis Jin. Berikut adalah salah satu video terbaik karya Tobias Levin :
2. Alasan kedua adalah banyaknya video tutorial yang dibuat oleh Tobias Levin. Yap, selain banyak menghasilkan moves original, Tobias juga memproduksi sejumlah video tutorial yang berkualitas. Tutorial Tobias Levin biasanya singkat dan terlihat hanya dari satu sudut pandang sehingga mungkin agak sulit dipelajari oleh card flourisher pemula. Namun jika anda merasa sudah menguasai lebih dari dasar card flourish, saatnya mencoba satu atau dua tutorial dari Tobias. Karena moves yang diajarkan cukup simpel, biasanya banyak sekali pengembangan dari gerakan card flourish tersebut.
Berikut adalah tutorial pertama dari Tobias di channel-nya :
Dan berikut adalah tutorial Tobias yang menjadifavorit saya :
"Furashu" adalah sebuah move yang relatif sederhana, mudah dipelajari, namun memiliki efek visual yang kuat.
Selain itu, di bulan Desember 2010 Tobias meluncurkan sebuah project bernama "Dynamite", yang dikerjakan bersama Oliver Sogard, Nikolaj, dan Dennis Jin. "Dynamite" pada intinya adalah sekumpulan video tutorial flourish yang diupload di channel Tobias dan bisa dipelajari secara gratis.
3. Alasan ketiga : Tobias Levin adalah seorang sutradara sekaligus sinematografer yang hebat. Ia sangat pandai melakukan editing video untuk memperindah efek dalam video flourishnya. Salah satu contoh video karya Tobias yang paling brilian berjudul "Have you seen this move? It's mine".
Tobias tidak ikut tampil sebagai flourisher dalam video ini, namun ia menunjukkan kelebihannya dalam pengambilan sudut video yang tepat, pemilihan musik yang serasi, dan editing video yang mantap.
4. Alasan keempat : Tobias Levin memiliki style card flourish yang sangat original. Selain banyak move yang ia ciptakan sendiri, Tobias juga memiliki karakteristik yang unik dalam card flourish. Gerakannya dalam video sangat sering terlihat "sloppy" atau "berantakan", namun masih tetap enak dilihat. Selain itu, Tobias juga mematahkan pendapat kuno bahwa dalam memainkan card flourish, kita harus gerakan harus ditampilkan secara cepat (fast) dan/ atau mengalir lancar (smooth). Nah, dalam videonya, saya sering melihat gerakan Tobias justru relatif lambat dan terpatah-patah, namun ajaibnya masih terlihat indah. Sangat menarik untuk dipelajari dan dicermati, terutama jika anda mencari suatu alternatif lain dalam style card flourish.
Yap, itu tadi adalah beberapa kelebihan Tobias Levin. Selain itu, Tobias adalah seorang card flourisher yang masih sangat muda, lahir di Denmark pada tahun 1995. Jika anda tertarik untuk mengamati lebih jauh perkembangan dari Tobias Levin, pastikan untuk mengunjungi channel Youtube Tobias Levin dan Facebook-nya.
Ditulis oleh Wiku Pulangasih,
Hyderabad, October 16th 2011
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