Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

FISM Registration Form

 Saya diminta menyampaikan informasi ini oleh teman saya, Annisa L Faiza.  Pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai event ini bisa ditujukan langsung ke Anisa via Facebook atau email.

Dear Wiku,Bisakah Saya Meminta Bantuan Anda Membagikan Info Ini Bagi Magician Indonesia di Blog Anda?? akan menyenangkan sekali bila Informasi Yang menarik Ini di ketahui dan Di ikuti para Magician berbakat Di Indonesia.

FISM (federation Internationale des Societes Magiques) 2012

sekarang saya memposting registraton Form yg saya dapat dari Panitia FISM (federation Internationale des Societes Magiques) .. yang Mengadakan World Magic Olympic Tiap 3 Tahun.. jika kamu suka buka youtube link video FISM ,tentu kamu akan melihat performing magic yg "Keren Abis" ajang ini menjadi salah satu barometer Kompetisi Magic Dunia.. Dimana Ajang 3 Tahunan ini selalu mencetak Magician Handal..!!sebagai Contoh Han Seol Hui,yg bermain CD manipulation dan memenangkan kategori Stage Manipulation (Draw Dengan yo Kato),atau stage Grand Prix/Juara Umumnya, Soma Hanoczy dari Hungaria.

Nah Jika dirasa perlu dan kamu memiliki kenalan magician yg handal dan ingin mengharumkan Indonesia,dia Bisa kamu rekomendasikan Mengikuti FISM 2012 di Blackpool - Inggris

Pendaftarannya sudah Di buka mulai Mei 2010 ,,
(Semakin cepat daftar semakin Murah)

Form pendaftaran:


registrasi Bisa kamu perbanyak/re -upload jika dirasa menarik!!atau send Link di atas!!

Dan silahkan Lihat2 dulu Form Pendaftaran ...jika berminat form tersebut bisa di Print dan di kirim via Pos ke alamat: (Alamatnya ada di Form Pendaftaran)

Tapi syarat Partisipasi menurut yg saya baca dari contact email :

a) FISMWorld Championships of Magic (WCM) are organized under the auspices and supervision of the FISM and are open to:

· any magician who has reached the FISM Level and who is a member of a Society affiliated to the FISM, after having received the written authorization of the President of the FISM Society of which he or she is a member;
· any magician who has reached the FISM Level and who is not a member of a FISM Member Society, after having received the written authorization of the Presidents of FISM Member Societies from three different countries.

b) The President of the FISM Member Society who has given this authorization is responsible for the quality of the act of the contestant. Only contestants having attained the FISM Level should receive such an authorization. The names of the Member Society and its President will be mentioned when the contestant is announced. Member Societies, having sponsored more than one competitor performing under FISM level, can – by judgment of the Presidium – lose their sponsoring rights for the next FISM WCM.

c) The number of contestants is limited to 150 applicants, being around 100 for the Stage and around 50 for the Close-up competition.

d) Excluded from participation in a given FISMWCM are artists who are booked by the organizing committee to perform or lecture at that Championship.

e) A contestant who has been awarded a Grand Prix in a previous FISMWCM is not allowed to compete again with essentially the same act.

f) A contestant must be a paid registrant of the FISMWCM during which the contest is held. The organizing committee must have received the duly signed registration form for the contest, including the appropriate authorization(s), the convention fee and the contest fee, at least four weeks before the opening of the Championships.

g) All contestants, as a right of competition agree to abide by and be bound by these Contest Rules and Procedures for the FISMWorld Championships of Magic

adapun Komunitas Magic Member FISM di ASIA TENGGARA:

1.Malaysia Magic Ring

2.Inner Magic Ring (Philiphines)

3.The Great Wong ring Singapore

4.Siam Magic Club (Thailand)

Untuk Alamat Magic Community di Atas Silahkan googling saja yah!!

Jika kurang jelas,Bisa Send Email :

For Info : please Send Email to info@fism.org

Ada Juga Kompetisi FISM Zona Oceania: 9-10 july 2011,Di melbourne AUS

Entry Fee Hanya 80 USD
Info :


Nah adakah yg beminat Mengharumkan Nama Magic Indonesia Di pentas Dunia???

Best regards:

Anissa L Faiza

IBM Ring50 member

FB/email Contact :


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